Policy Adjustments And Life Events

Everyone knows you need to update your home insurance policy when you move into a new home, but you may be surprised to learn that smaller decisions, like putting a trampoline in your backyard, could also necessitate a policy adjustment. Here are some life events that may require an adjustment to your coverage.

Moving — Anytime you move, you’ll need to amend your property and auto insurance policies to reflect your new address. If your home will be vacant or you’ll be in between houses for an extended period of time, be sure to find out what that means for your coverage so there are no surprises.

Adding a New Driver — Households with teenagers will need a policy adjustment once the teens get their licenses and start driving. There may be ways to help lessen the impact, so be sure to ask about any potential discounts, and update your information whenever your teen has a birthday.

Installing a Backyard Risk — Always let your insurance agent know if you install a pool or trampoline. Both are considered liabilities from an insurance perspective, so you may need to adjust your policy and adhere to certain safety guidelines.

Renovating or Remodeling — Many policies include a clause that voids insurance during a renovation or remodel. Be sure to notify your agent before doing any home upgrades, however minor they may be. It’s better to make sure you’re covered than to have to deal with a construction mishap when it’s too late. It’s also a good idea to have your coverage reassessed after the work is complete to ensure it’s still adequate.