Understanding Motorcycle Insurance

Understanding Motorcycle Insurance
Motorcycle insurance is very similar to ordinary car insurance; it will cover many of the same things. The standard cycle policy includes liability insurance and is required in most states. There are also plenty of optional Coverage packages, which can offer additional protection for drivers, riders and their belongings alike.

How Does it Work?
Typical policies include liability insurance, which is designed to pay for damage caused to property and bodily injury of others in the event of an accident and may cover the policyholder’s bike and injuries as well. Those who have multiple motorcycles should look in to discounts for multi-bike policies. It’s important for policyholders to keep in mind that an insurance policy tends to follow policyholders themselves rather than their bikes, so others borrowing their bikes may not be covered.

Liability Insurance
Most states require motorcycle owners to carry two different forms of liability insurance. The first covers bodily injury, while the second covers property damage. These liability coverages don’t typically cover the policyholder’s injury or their bikes their bikes for that matter, and every policy has limits to the amount of money that can be paid out to others for property damage and bodily injury.

Passenger Liability
One of the major differences between automobile insurance and Motorcycle insurance is that many motorcycle policies include guest passenger liability insurance. Auto insurance policies tend not to have this coverage. This form of liability insurance provides protection for passengers who have been involved in motorcycle accidents. Some states require that policies cover passenger liability, while other states make this form of liability insurance optional. It is recommended that you consider having this coverage on your cycle insurance if you intend to have a passenger.

Optional Packages
Those who are particularly concerned about rider and passenger Safety may want to purchase optional packages as well. These cover everything from repairs to roadside assistance, total loss policies, and medical payments for Passengers and uninsured motorists. Ask your insurance agent about optional packages and coverage when applying for liability insurance.