Life Insurance

Life Insurance Lewisburg Ohio

Life Insurance Protection for Lewisburg, New Lebanon, Brookville, Eaton, Arcanum, Greenville, Vandalia, Dayton, West Alexandria, Englewood, New Madison and Richmond, IN

There are many kinds of life insurance, but they generally fall into two categories: term insurance and permanent insurance.

Term Insurance 
Term Life is designed to meet temporary needs. It provides protection for a specific period of time (the “term”) and generally pays a benefit only if you die during the term. This type of insurance often makes sense when you have a need for coverage that will disappear at a specific point in time. For instance, you may decide that you only need coverage until your children graduate from college or a particular debt is paid off, such as your mortgage.

Permanent Insurance
In contrast, permanent insurance also known as Whole Life (WL), Universal Life(UL) or Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) provides lifelong protection. Because it is designed to last a lifetime, permanent life insurance accumulates cash value and is designed to last your lifetime.

Which Type of Insurance Is Right For You?
In generic terms it’s impossible to say which type of life insurance is better because the kind of coverage that’s right for you depends on your unique circumstances and financial goals. Please call us at (937) 962-2123 and speak with Bill VanBrederode, our local life insurance professional or contact us here, for a consultation about the best type of life insurance for you and your family. 


How Much Life Insurance Do I Need? 
This is a loaded question that needs to be evaluated individually. Many experts say you should cover 10 times your annual salary, we think that may be too generic. Contact us to schedule a quick needs analysis to get a better idea of how much coverage you need.


Concerned About the Cost of Life Insurance?
We represent a wide selection of highly rated carriers that may view things differently from case to case. That, in part,  is why we feel it is important to have such a wide selection of carriers available to us. We can do a “Trial Application” that we will use to get you the best rates. Call Bill today at (937) 962-2123 or contact us to see what we have to offer you.